Work with Fellows

There are many ways you can engage with Coro Fellows.

For 50 years, the nonpartisan Coro Fellows Program in Public Affairs has equipped emerging civic leaders in St. Louis to better understand how decisions are made, how complex policies are shaped, and how to influence meaningful change. Coro Fellows are selected from a highly competitive national applicant pool. Throughout the program, Fellows have rich interactions with public, private, and nonprofit decision-makers.

Fellows approach the program with curiosity and an interest in understanding the building blocks of a strong community. Organizations and civic leaders from across industry are invited to support Coro by…

  • Shaping the program as a member of the Advisory Board

  • Engaging with the current class of Fellows

  • Supporting participant recruitment

Get Involved

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Get Involved ○ ○ ○

  • Field placements are a cornerstone of the Coro Fellows Program in Public Affairs. Each Coro Fellow has five placements throughout the program, which expose them to sectors including business, government, and nonprofit. Each Fellow also participates in a Group Project and designs their own Individual Project (their final placement). Through their work at placements and in seminars, Fellows learn how different organizations work and fit into the political, social, and economic fabric of the St. Louis region.

    While on assignment Coro Fellows:

    • Complete a specific project (or projects) for the host organization

    • Learn about the culture, structure, and function(s) of a particular organization

    • Gain an understanding of the communication and decision-making processes within the organization

    • Observe how the agency interacts with and relates to the community as a whole 

    • Provide a unique perspective on the organization’s efforts and impact

    Request a Fellow by filling out this form or get in touch with the Coro team at to learn more.

  • Each year Fellows complete up to five focus weeks about regionally significant topics through a range of pre-determined and self-guided learning experiences in community. Topics vary from year-to-year and have included agriculture, media, tech, and health care. Each year, program staff evaluates the civic landscape to determine which topics will offer impactful opportunities for Fellows. Bring Fellows to your organization for a day to… 

    • Tour your facilities

    • Meet key leaders at your organization

    • Learn about the work you do

    Get started by filling out this form or get in touch with the Coro team at to learn more.

  • Fellows hone effective inquiry skills through interviews with local leaders (and Alumni across the country) like you. One hour interviews are conducted at your workplace, in person at Delmar DivINe, or virtually over Zoom. Get in touch with the Coro team by filling out this form or email them at to get your interview scheduled!

  • Who do you know who might benefit from hosting a Coro placement or has a key leadership role in the region? Connect the Coro team with your network to support recruitment of Placement hosts, Focus Week activities participants, and interviewees. Ask them to get involved by filling out the interest form or emailing the Coro team at!

  • Stipends are a key way to enable Fellows to focus on and grow through their Coro experience. Given the demands of placements, focus weeks, and seminars, Fellows often rely completely on their stipends to fund living expenses. All placement hosts generously contribute to the Fellow experience and the Coro community raises the remaining funds required to support livable stipends, robust programming, and key staffing to allow more prospective Fellows to say "Yes!" to an offer to join the next cohort

    An anonymous donor has gifted $10,000 to jumpstart a new campaign to support Fellow stipends – add your gift today!

Join the Advisory Board

Impact current and future Coro Fellows’ experience by joining the Advisory Board. Leverage your unique position within the St. Louis ecosystem to connect Fellows with your professional networks, support program staff, and guide the Coro Fellows Program’s future in St. Louis. Interested in joining? Get in touch with the Coro team by emailing to learn more.

Advisory Board members attend quarterly convenings to support program development, recruiting Fellows, and securing placements.

Get in touch with the Coro at UMSL team.

Download the one-pager overview of the Coro Fellows Program at UMSL.

Nominate someone you think would be a great fit for the Fellows Program in Public Affairs.